North Devon

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Out & About

Coming along to branch Meetings - you can find out about these in the Branch Diary

Attending Socials - you can find out about these in the Branch Diary

Volunteering to help distribute our magazine Beer Tiz to the pubs that stock it. Contact: Alan Edgecombe ku.gro.armac.novedhtron@puorG.sbuP Approximate Branch coverage

Take on the role of Brewery Liaison Officer (BLO) where there is a vacancy

Supporting our local pubs by visiting them and seeking out new places and beers

Volunteering to staff at Beer Festivals.

Keeping an eye on the central CAMRA website and our Branch Diary and our Facebook page for information

Volunteering to be part of the North Devon Branch Committee and coming to Committee Meetings - contact any of the Committee Members on our Contacts page.