North Devon

➤ LocAle (local ales)

CAMRA LocAle – promoting pubs that sell locally-brewed real ale, reducing the number of ‘beer miles’, and supporting local breweries.

What is CAMRA LocAle?

CAMRA LocAle is an initiative that promotes pubs stocking locally brewed real ale.

The CAMRA LocAle scheme was created in 2007 by CAMRA’s Nottingham branch.

Everyone benefits from local pubs stocking locally-brewed real ale

  • Public houses as stocking local real ales can increase pub visits
  • Consumers who enjoy greater beer choice and diversity
  • Local brewers who gain from increased sales
  • The local economy because more money is spent and retained locally
  • The environment due to fewer beer miles’ resulting in less road congestion and pollution
  • Tourism due to an increased sense of local identity and pride – let’s celebrate what makes our locality different

Accreditation is at the sole discretion of the local CAMRA branch and subject to the licensee agreeing to the following…

  • That they will endeavour to ensure at least one locally brewed real ale, as defined by the local branch, is on sale at all times
  • Only real ale, as defined by CAMRA, can be promoted as a CAMRA LocAle
  • Where the standard of real ale sold falls below an acceptable quality, accreditation will be withdrawn
  • That accreditation can be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the local branch
  • That should accreditation be withdrawn, or should the licensee withdraw from the scheme, all LocAle publicity material must be removed from the pub and the licensee cease using the CAMRA LocAle logo.

Definition of Local

The Sustainable Communities Act, which CAMRA strongly supports, provides a definition of local as up to 30 miles from the point of sale. CAMRA recommends that the distance is calculated from the pub to the brewery and should be based on the shortest driving distance. Real ales from regional and national breweries as well as from microbreweries can be regarded as “local” if they are brewed within what the branch has decided as being the local area. We launched the LocAle initiative, designed to recognise outlets that sell beers brewed locally, in the Autumn of 2010. Our criteria for beer served in a pub/club or other establishment in the North Devon branch area from a North Devon brewer will automatically be classed as LocAle. Outside of the branchs catchment area, breweries within 30 road miles of pubs in the North Devon CAMRA area also qualify

How do I find a LocAle Pub?

Pubs which have been given LocAle status can display the LocAle sticker on their windows/doors. The stickers have the year for which they have been accredited as LocAle pubs by their branch. They may also have posters up in the pub and on the pumps that are serving locally brewed beers there will be LocAle pump clip crowners….or you can simply look at the maps or list below!

(Note click on an item to see more details)

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Branch pubs with Locale accreditation